DreamLight On-Line Publications Available Worldwide via On-Line Services DreamLight electronic publications are available on the Internet, Compuserve, Delphi, GEnie, DreamLight’s own NightLight™ BBS, the DreamLight WebSite and many others. Simply log on to your favorite BBS, proceed to the Macintosh file section, and perform a search on “DreamLight” DreamLight NightLight™ BBS. DreamLight operates its own NightLight BBS system, which can be reached 24 hours a day. DreamLight NightLight™: 617-438-8576 Simply log on and send a validation request to the SYSOP. NightLight communications settings are: 28,800 bps, 8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit. DreamLight WebSite on the World Wide Web.   Here are a few of the items available on the DreamLight WebSite. DreamLight, the Interactive Multimedia Studio Everything you ever wanted to know about DreamLight including information about DreamLight's background and services DreamLight News Late breaking DreamLight news including what's new on the WebSite as well as a full list of current articles in the press and other news. DreamLight's Virtual Gallery On-line portfolio including, Software ID | Character Design | Bitmapped Painting | PostScript Illustration | 3D Modeling | Animation | Interactive Multimedia DreamLight Insights, On-Line Editions DreamLight's popular on-line newsletter series on digital design, illustration and interactive multimedia including case studies, tips, tricks, and techniques. DreamLight Shareware Download various DreamLight shareware including our award winning game, Verttice | Insights (Download Editions) | PixelPalettes | ScreenBits. DreamLight SurfSite Grab your favorite WWW surf board and hang ten. This is the hot spot to catch a wave out onto the net. These waves are tubular, man!   This is the DreamLight WebStrip, your navigational tool for the DreamLight WebSite. There is a whole world to explore on the DreamLight WebSite. These buttons only show a portion of what's available here on-line. If you are curious about where each button leads, you'll have to log on to the DreamLight WebSite to take a peek. To visit the DreamLight WebSite, simply point your internet web browser at: http://www.shore.net/~dreamlt/ See you there...   DreamLight Insights™ digital design, illustration & multimedia series.   DreamLight Insights are electronic newsletters containing behind the scenes case studies. They include tips on a variety of computer graphics subjects from icon design to interactive multimedia. DreamLight Insights are provided free of charge for your enjoyment and learning. DreamLight Insights also serve as samples of DreamLight’s digital design, illustration and multimedia capabilities. Look for the ever expanding series of DreamLight Insights™ on your favorite BBS as well as on the Internet. These images are from DreamLight Insight Vol. #1 which describes the creation of our award winning 3D custom sports car for Bose.     DreamLight ScreenBits™ (Season’s Greetings edition available on-line)  ScreenBits are photorealistic three dimensional StartupScreens for your color or grayscale Mac. Don’t be surprised if your co-workers walk over to your Mac and try to remove the greeting card that appears to be push-pinned to your screen. ScreenBits are distributed as ChainWare™ which is a new concept in electronic document distribution from DreamLight. ChainWare means that if you use it we request that you pass it along to at least three friends. This way we can send greeting cards and post cards around the world electronically. Help spread some good cheer, pass ScreenBits around.   DreamLight PixelPalettes™ (Available on-line) If you design icons or images for display on the Macintosh, you will find PixelPalettes very useful. DreamLight PixelPalettes are PICT images of standard color palettes that have been logically rearranged to make color selections much easier. You can use them within your favorite paint program that reads PICT files. DreamLight PixelPalettes are shareware for only $9.95.   <-Sample of the full-size 8bit Icon PixelPalette. Useful when you can open a second window during icon design.   Sample of the 8bit Icon µ PixelPalette. This micro version is useful while “zoomed-in” during icon design. ->